Dealing with Noisy Neighbours

Dealing with Noisy Neighbours

The Christmas and New Year period can be a fun time of year filled with parties and celebration but remember that your neighbours may not enjoy the party at your house. The following tips may help to survive this time of the year:  Let your neighbours know if you are...
Mediation Training – 2021

Mediation Training – 2021

2021 has proven to be a fantastic year for training at CRS. From our redesigned Accredited Mediation Training to new partnerships and training offerings, there’s a lot of exciting news to share. Despite global pandemics and lockdowns, the demand for Mediation Training...
Free Phone Support & Advice

Free Phone Support & Advice

Conflict Resolution Service are now providing free support and advice over the phone.  Unfortunately, especially in Australia, we have been faced with a series of unfortunate events with bushfires, flooding and now COVID-19. 2020 has been a year of challenges that...