The quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how well we respond to them. 

Get in touch

We’re here to help. Whether you’re seeking support, have questions about our services, or need guidance on resolving conflict, our team of qualified and experienced professionals is ready to assist you. Reach out today and let’s work together to find the best solution for your needs.

Contact Form

What support are you looking for?(Required)
What support are you looking for?
Please provide details about your request or any further information about the support you are looking for.
How did you hear about CRS?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Make a complaint

We’re committed to providing high-quality Alternative Dispute Resolution services, which is why your feedback is important to us. If you have any concerns, please fill in our complaint form and one of our team members will respond shortly.

Complaint Form

"*" indicates required fields

1. Your Information


2. Your Concerns

To the best of your ability, please give an overview of the concerns you have with the service/s provided by Conflict Resolution Service. Where possible, please give specific examples, dates, name of Conflict Resolution Service staff members etc, to support your concerns.

3. Permission to speak with other services

On occasion, it may be necessary for Conflict Resolution Service (CRS) to speak with individuals (including staff of other services) outside of CRS, in order to gain additional information about your complaint. Are there any other individuals who CRS may contact to assist with additional information about your complaint? (Please add specific comments on any information you would like CRS to keep confidential from the individual, otherwise CRS will assume any aspect of your complaint can be discussed with the person/s you have nominated below)

4. Your Expected Outcome of the Complaint

In raising your concerns with Conflict Resolution Service, what outcome are you expecting? Please be advised CRS reserves the right to determine a suitable outcome based on its review and investigations.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Conflict Resolution Service

1/32-38 Townshend Street, Phillip, ACT 2606

Phone: +61 (02) 6189 0590

Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 4:00pm


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