Sustaining Families Program

The Sustaining Families program provides a contemporary, evidence-informed, integrated program for children aged 0-17 years at risk of entry to Out of Home Care and in Out of Home Care, using practice elements known to be effective in Intensive Family Support, Preservation and Restoration.  

The program will provide a combination of support pathways from early assistance to support children and families with emerging needs and vulnerabilities through to targeted and specialist support to provide more intensive supports for families with complex needs so children can remain safely in the family home or be returned safely.  

The therapeutic teams provide evidenced-based children, youth and family restoration and dispute resolution services, case management, family group conferencing, facilitation and family mediations.  

The program will apply a trauma informed method of conflict coaching and emphasise physical, psychological and emotional safety for everyone and create opportunities for families to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.  

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