Our History
The vision to establish the Service commenced in the mid-1980’s following the successful development of the Community Justice Centres in NSW. Conflict Resolution Service (CRS) was formally incorporated on 8th August 1988. ACT Government funding was received in 1989, and shortly afterwards in 1990, CRS was registered as a business and began working from Acton House in Acton.
In the 1990’s, Conflict Resolution Service was a major player in the national mediation scene, stimulating national approaches to community mediation and developing competency standards. This commitment to having a voice in mediator standards continues to the present day with Conflict Resolution Service’s ongoing involvement and presence on national committees for mediator accreditation.
In 2000, Conflict Resolution Service relocated to the CREEDA Canberra Business Centre where it stayed until 2006, when it moved to the Griffin Centre, Canberra City until 2021 and now located on Townshend Street in Phillip ACT.

Conflict Resolution Services
Community Services Directorate, Community Services Program (CSP)
Funding to provide low cost and accessible community dispute resolution services involving:
- Neighbourhood disputes;
- ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal referrals;
- Magistrates Court referrals;
- SupportLink referrals.

Residential Tenancy Mediation
Funded by the ACT Government to provide mediation between landlords and tenants struggling to reach rental agreements during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safe and Connected Program
Community Services Directorate, Social Housing and Homelessness Program.
An early intervention program in collaboration with other community service providers to reduce youth homelessness specifically for young people under the age of 16.

Neighbourhood Dispute Program
Community Services Directorate, Community Service Program (CSP).
This program aims to assist the community and ACT Government agencies in the prevention and resolution of Neighbourhood disputes.

Family Support Program
Community Services Directorate, Social Housing and Homelessness Program.
An early intervention service for young people up to the age of 20 who are at risk of homelessness due to family conflict.
Get in touch
To learn more about how Conflict Resolution Service can assist you, please complete our contact form and one of our team members will respond shortly.